Friday, 18 September 2009

Global Verge Buzzirk Business Review - Is The Spotlight Ready For Global Verge?

By Lawrence Tam

All the hype is coming from a business called Global Verge. So what is the deal with this unique company and is it worth joining?

The Low Down of Global Verge:

Missouri is the headquarters for Global Verge with their motto "Help make the world a better place."

The company is built on a 3 easy principles:

1) Due to Global Verge's value, purchase products at full retail

2) Bring more reps to the business

3) Join Global Verge business and move product through the Global Store.

So guess what. The buzz isn't wrong. Sales are booming and products are moving. The demand is high and more people are making a great income from it.

But is there something a miss? What is there that isn't being paid attention to...

There seems to be something missing. The product seems original but something seems weird. From the information given, there is is something missing:

How in the heck is a distributor supposed to build this business online? I guess one could take the position that as long as you have a business website you have a web presence but that is pretty poor in my book. That has nothing to do with online marketing.

Going about using the 100 names list is not what reps want as a marketing plan. Bugging your loved ones about your business isn't a good way to do it.

How many times do you see a person come running to the next great business opportunity or product?

The missing piece to explosive growth is "Where am I going to get the Training to market Global Verge Online?". Selling your company url isn't going to work.

What will be the Unique Selling Point for distributors? The 3 foot rule is not a marketing strategy.

Getting Training on HOW to get leads to your business is the only way to build a business. Business growth is much easier when people actually want Global Verge.

Turn the tables around and attract your leads and not chase them.

About the Author:

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