Motorcycle Clubs are even turned away from bars where they want to have events by Independent Bikers, Why is that? We need to let the world know that Bikers independent or in a Motorcycle Club can be good people! We can not show people that Motorcycle Club Members are not all bad if we are not allowed in a Bar because we are wearing Colors, Its the same thing if you are an independent biker and some one will not let you in some sports bar because you are wearing a leather jacket! I hope when an independent Biker who has turned away Motorcycle Clubs from his bar and is then turned away from a bar he wants to go in Understands the irony!
Some Motorcycle Clubs have even gone so far as to changed their name, they call themselves Riding Clubs, Motorcycle associations or some other type of group so they can leave out the words Motorcycle Club! and try to avoid the problems that come with being part of a Motorcycle Club! They say they are different from a Motorcycle Club ! They look and dress and act just like a motorcycle Club but they just call themselves something different! I say a rose by any other name !!!
These Clubs are just trying to get around all the prejudice associated with the words Motorcycle Club ! They are not part of the solution but are part of the problem! This is America and You can call your Club what ever you want, But the thing that unites you and your Club is the same thing that unites all who Ride! It is the Motorcycle! How can anyone leave out the word Motorcycle? It is the heart of what you are!
If You are a Motorcycle Club be proud of it and don't try to get around any problems by playing word games and calling yourself something else by using different words!!! This is just my opinion I would like to know what others think, Please email me at
Your Bro LJ James AmericanBikerX. com
About the Author:
LJ James hosts a Radio Motorcycle Show each Wednesday LJ James loves to help show the truth about the Biker life and programs like Sons of Anarchy Don't reprint this exact article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.
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